Covid emergency in Italy: an attempt is made to accelerate the vaccination campaign with the possibility of making vaccines in pharmacies. A proposal that is enjoying great acclaim from the pharmacists themselves. Indeed they are 10.400 the pharmacies, out of a total of about 18.000 members and 600 municipal pharmacies for a total of 11.000, who have given their support and willingness to administer the anti-Covid vaccine.
It communicates it Fedefarma underlining that each of them will be able to administer on average between 15 and 20 vaccines per day thanks to the presence of 25.000 appropriately trained professionals with the appropriate course organized byHigher Institute of Health.
Vaccines in the pharmacy
The 11 thousand adhesions to the proposal to carry out vaccines in pharmacies are a more than positive element to give a good acceleration to the vaccination campaign. "This means that thanks to the administration carried out in pharmacies, the number of daily vaccinations in Italy can quickly change from the current 250.000 about 450.000.
I thank all the Federfarma Italian pharmacies and territorial organizations for having provided, despite the complexity of the current situation, a prompt and effective response to the country's need ". These are the considerations of the president of national Federfarma Marco Cossolo.
Today's data
While the government and health authorities try to better organize the vaccination campaign, the evolution of the pandemic is always under close observation. As for the infections of the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health makes it known that they have been registered in our country 15.746 new positive cases (yesterday 17.567). The new deaths are 331 (yesterday 344); the discharged healed are 15.486 (yesterday 20.483). Overall, the positive cases are 533.005 (yesterday 533.085). The swabs carried out are 253.100 (yesterday 320.892); in intensive care they are hospitalized 3.585 Covid patients. They also remain in home isolation 502.169 people infected with Coronavirus.