Coronavirus pandemic: the contagion curve in Italy today records further growth. In the last 24 hours in our country, another 34.505 people have contracted the virus, for a total of 472.348 infected by the outbreak of the pandemic. There are 445 new deaths and the number of intensive care (+99) and ordinary hospitalizations (+1140) is also increasing. The healed are 4961.

The contagion curve monitored by experts

“The regions that have been assigned to the orange or red area will remain such areas for at least 14 days. The regions in the yellow area could instead change their location based on the trend of infections. However, the mechanism is not rigid: red zones could also be created in regions at moderate risk. Conversely, areas with less severe measures could also be created in lockdown regions ”.

regions at risk Italy and the contagion curve

These are the considerations of Giovanni Rezza of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Health. "There are no free areas compared to February March - underlined Rezza - now the cases are distributed throughout the national territory. This means that the whole country is now affected by the pandemicsto ".

Don't clog hospital wards

“Reducing the influx of emergency rooms and hospitals is at the moment - underlined Rezza - absolutely a priority. Because if it is true that mortality tends to be lower, when the cases increase the number of deaths increases after some time. With a disease that in most cases has few symptoms, the risk of flooding the hospital structures must be reduced ". 

Bergamo field hospital with doctors

The director of the ministerial department also reiterated that "is possible that even within non-red regions there may be closures of some areas where important outbreaks can develop. The application of red zones in small parts of the regional territory is a completely practicable mechanism. I don't think - Rezza insists - that this Dpcm prevents us from doing so, on the contrary! ”.

Containment measures for the contagion curve

"After having had a transition phase, we find ourselves in a phase that we technically define as escalation and therefore we must partly use containment measures and partly mitigation measures". This was pointed out by the president of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), Silvio Brusaferro. The expert reported to the Social Affairs Commission of the Room, on prevention and response to Covid-19.

virus and the contagion curve

Brusaferro remarked that "Unlike the first wave, the virus circulates in all regions. We have situations with limited circulation and others with particularly high values. One of the important data is the percentage of positive swab: when it exceeds 4 percent it is an indicator of strong circulation, and in all regions of our country there is this characteristic ”.

Priority to Covid patients

"The number of hospitalizations with symptoms is a growing number and deserves attention, the same goes for intensive care ". These are always the considerations of Brusaferro who highlights: “With respect to the occupation of beds in ordinary hospitalization with medical air, some regions have passed the cut-off. Still others are not but they are close. The meaning of the cut-offs, or the threshold values ​​defined by the Ministry of Health, is that if we have 40 percent occupancy of the medical area beds for Covid pathologies, it means that we have to reschedule the deferrable health activities for other pathologies. This, in order to find a place and give priority to patients with SARS-CoV-2". 

Covid, the contagion curve rises but hopefully in the effects of the lockdown last edit: 2020-11-05T17:58:31+01:00 da Staff

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