Green pass, the procedure is streamlined to be able to have it while as regards vaccines a third dose may be needed. It will be easier to obtain the Covid green pass thanks to the electronic health record or the Io and Immuni apps. It can also be downloaded from a general practitioner, pediatrician or pharmacist. For those who don't have it Speed there will be a code sent via email or text message, combined with the last 8 digits and when the health card expires. The Recovery decree currently in force provides for this. The regions will have to transmit to the ad hoc portal managed by Sogei the data of citizens who have been administered "at least one dose of vaccine". Certificates of the swabs and those of successful healing.
![green pass third dose](
Meanwhile, the data released by the Ministry of Health confirm the constant regression of the pandemic throughout the national territory. According to ministerial reports, there are 2.897 new positive cases today (yesterday 2.483). The deaths of the last 24 hours are 62 (yesterday 93). The carried out molecular and antigenic buffers are 226.272 (yesterday 221.818). Covid patients admitted to intensive care are 933 (yesterday 9.89). In home isolation they remain 203.259 people infected with the virus (218.570 yesterday). The discharged healed today are 18.535 (yesterday 10.313) while the currently positive cases are 210.050 (yesterday 225.751).
Covid vaccines, perhaps a third dose will be needed
While we are preparing to issue green passes more easily, we are also thinking of a possible third dose to be administered to the already vaccinated. Covid-19 is now being studied all over the world, followed in its developments on human health, sequenced and attacked with vaccines. However the SARS-CoV-2 he still remains largely an unknown. The available data are not yet sufficient even to tell us how long the antibody response will last, both in those who have had the disease and in those who have received the vaccination.
![third dose variants](
Ongoing studies will be published in a few months. Worrying are the variants, especially the most contagious ones. Thus a third administration is on the horizon for individuals who have completed the vaccination cycle. A second dose is also thought of for those who have only had an inoculation because they are already infected. As hypothesized by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. And if it comes to an annual vaccine as for the flu, it is still too early to tell. Scientists do not yet pronounce themselves in this sense. In any case, if so, the family doctors say they are ready to administer the vaccines.
Thank you very much for the information!