Covid, soon other regions in the white zone and in the meantime Sinovac, the Chinese vaccine, is also arriving. Italy carries out the white zone tests: away the restrictions that have marked the lives of Italians in the last seven months. We proceed with the reopening of all activities in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise and Sardinia, with three million fellow citizens who have bid farewell to the curfew. An anticipation of what will happen in 9 regions and in the province of Trento between 7 and 14 June, another significant step towards normality. That is the reopening throughout the country of restaurants indoors for lunch and dinner, with the obligation of mask every time you get up from the table. Also skipped the maximum limit of 4 people at the table: tables with friends will be possible again.

Chinese vaccine

The return to normal is now confirmed daily by the reports on the pandemic curve. In fact, according to the data promptly released by the Ministry of Health, in Italy they are registered new positive cases (1.820 yesterday). The deaths of the last 24 hours are 93 (yesterday 82). I am 221.818 the molecular and antigenic swabs always carried out in the last 24 hours (yesterday 86.977). Covid patients admitted to intensive care are 989 (yesterday 1.033). In home isolation they remain 218.570 people infected with the virus (yesterday they were 226.159). The discharged healed today are 10.313 (yesterday 6.358) while the currently positive cases are 225.751 (yesterday 233.674).

Ok of the WHO to the Chinese vaccine Sinovac

The World Health Organization (WHO) has granted emergency approval to the Chinese anti-Covid vaccine A nephew. In this regard, WHO ensures that Chinese whey complies with international safety, efficacy and manufacturing standards.

Chinese vaccine ok

 It is also established that the variants of Covid-19 must be renamed with the letters of the Greek alphabet. This is to avoid stigmatizing the nations where they were first detected. This was always announced by the World Health Organization, stating that the new system applies to the variants of greater interest. Both the four most worrying that are in circulation, and the variants of second-level interest that are being monitored.

Covid, new regions in the white zone and ok for the Chinese Sinovac vaccine last edit: 2021-06-01T18:21:50+02:00 da Staff
