Lockdown lights: no movement in the areas at risk, curfew from 22pm to 5am, shops closed in the areas where infections are more common. And, again, greater use of the smart working, distance learning in schools starting from the eighth grade. 'No' to the running of competitions, strengthening of public transport runs to avoid crowds; stop on cruises. These are some of the drastic measures of the new Dpcm launched by the Conte government in order to stem the pandemic phenomenon which has reached more than worrying levels. The new restrictions will go into effect on November 5th and will remain valid until December 3rd.

lockdown light and council of ministers

For the national executive it is a lockdown light, a tailor-made work for each area of ​​the country in order to overcome this moment of serious criticality dictated by the resurgence of the pandemic. Prime Minister Conte signed the decree overnight after hours of negotiations with the governors of the regions. In the final text, the 21 parameters for classifying the risk level of each single region have not changed, as has the installation of the closures. Compared to the previous draft, barbers and hairdressers will also be able to remain open in the "red" regions. Those identified for the high number of infections or for the inadequacy of the health system are Lombardy, Piedmont, South Tyrol, Valle d'Aosta and Calabria.

Lock down light

 The new Dpcm provides that from 22pm to 5am only "movements motivated by proven work needs, by situations of necessity or for health reasons" are allowed. It is also recommended not to travel by public or private means of transport during the day, except for work, study, health reasons, situations of necessity or to carry out activities or use unsuspended services ".

city ​​tram

In areas at high risk where infections are growing exponentially, "any movement into and out of the territories is prohibited". These are the areas that fall into the so-called scenario 3 and scenario 4. In the latter, "movements within the same territories" are also prohibited, therefore at the municipal and provincial level.

Shops closed, markets also stopped

Grocery stores, tobacco shops and pharmacies remain open in the areas at maximum risk. Shops closed (footwear, clothing, etc.) as well as bars and restaurants which are allowed to take away and home delivery until 22pm. Market activity also stops.

school desks closed for lockdown light

At school, face-to-face lessons can be held up to the second grade, from the eighth grade onwards, distance learning starts also for high schools. The mask will be mandatory at school for elementary and middle school children, even when they remain seated at the desk.

Lockdown light also for public transport

The draft of the new dpcm provides that aboard the public means of local transport and for regional rail transport, "a load factor of no more than 50 per cent" is allowed, with the exception of "dedicated school transport". The smart working is encouraged at the highest levels, both in the public administration and in the private sector.

Stop to cruises and competitions

Il dpcm it also provides for the stop of cruise services by Italian-flagged passenger ships. Cruises that end their itinerary by November 8th can end their journey. Foreign-flagged ships employed in cruise services are also allowed to enter Italian ports exclusively for the purpose of 'idle' parking.

cruise ship lockdown light

For this new lockdown period, the "suspension of the performance of the pre-selection and written tests of the public and private competition procedures and of those for qualification to exercise the professions ". The stop to the competitions had already been foreseen by the government in a first draft of the Dpcm of last October 24 but the Regions had opposed.


In the red areas, the Dpcm provides for the suspension of sports activities, including those in sports centers and clubs, even if carried out outdoors. It is only allowed to “carry out motor activities individually in the vicinity of one's home.

sports gear from lockdown light

And in any case respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation of a mask ". It is also possible to carry out "sporting activities exclusively outdoors and in individual form". The decree does not close sports clubs in national territories not subject to further restrictions (as in the red areas) but prohibits the use of changing rooms. 

Covid, between curfew and red zones comes the light lockdown last edit: 2020-11-04T08:10:52+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino
