La pandemic it does not loosen its grip but it seems that there is the possibility of having an anti-Covid vaccine, jointly developed by Pfizer and Biontech, in a short time. The vaccine in question was found to be effective in preventing 90 percent of infections during phase 3 of the trial, which is still ongoing. The announcement was made by Pfizer president Albert Bourla. Meanwhile, according to the data provided by the Ministry of Health 25.271 positive cases have been registered today in addition, while the increase in tampons is equal to 147.725. In the last 24 hours, another 356 people have died of the Coronavirus. 2.849 patients remain in intensive care while 542.829 are in home isolation. To date, the new healed are 10.215.

chemical laboratory for the vaccine

A vaccine against Covid, maybe we are!

The German Biontech confirms Pfizer's announcement, announcing that it wants to ask for the authorization for the production, together with Pfizer, next week from the FDA (Food drug administration) of the USA.

laboratory for the vaccine

"Today's news on the Covid vaccine is encouraging. But a lot of caution is still needed. Scientific research is the real key to overcoming the emergency. In the meantime, we must never forget that the behaviors of each of us are essential to bend the contagion curve ”. These are the considerations of the health minister Roberto Speranza

The first effects of the vaccine trial

The experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer, in collaboration with the German Biontech, it gave results above expectations, proving to be more effective than expected. The most interesting result concerns the individuals who received two doses of the vaccine, three weeks apart. These are people who in over 90 percent of cases have not developed the symptoms of Covid-19, compared to those who had instead received a simple placebo.

Boom in hospitalizations

"We expect hospital and ICU admissions to double in the next week if the trend does not change. This, as the possible benefits deriving from the measures of the last Dpcm will be evident no earlier than another 10 days ". This was stated by the president of the Association of hospital anesthetists (Aaroi) Alessandro Vergallo. Intensive care “is already under pressure.

doctors in the operating room for the vaccine

In the face of this and the absence of a territorial medicine, the national lockdown proposal - Vergallo emphasizes - is reasonable at this point. Hospital admissions and therefore also those in intensive care - explained Vergallo - “unfortunately will increase until the more restrictive measures of the last Dpcm will not determine the desired effects. Intensive therapies - he pointed out - are in crisis due to the overcoming of the limit threshold of 30 per cent of beds, occupied for Covid patients ".

Covid, between continuous hospitalizations and a vaccine that is perhaps the right one! last edit: 2020-11-09T17:20:05+01:00 da Maria Scaramuzzino
