Intensive care places in Italy are occupied for 42 percent by Covid patients. A figure that concerns 17 regions out of 21 while a week ago there were only 10. The places in departments of medicine occupied by Covid patients are 51 per cent nationwide, compared to a threshold of 40 per cent. This is also a stable figure but it now concerns 15 regions, compared to 12 7 days ago. The data were disseminated by the agency for regional health services (Agenas), based on a reworking of those of the Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health.

intensive care italy

Meanwhile, today's data from the Ministry of Health record 34.282 new positive cases with a increase of tampons equal to 234.834. There are 753 new deaths. In intensive care 3.670 people are hospitalized while I'm still in home isolation 705.994. Overall, the total positive cases recorded in our country since the outbreak of the pandemic are 1.272.352.

Pfizer's vaccine 95 percent effective

La Pfizer announced that final tests on its Covid vaccine are 95 percent effective. Last week the pharmaceutical company and the partner company Biontech they had published the results of the first tests based on the first 94 volunteers with Covid-19 and the effectiveness was 90 percent. Today's data attest to 95 percent efficacy and are based on 170 other coronavirus cases examined. The vaccine has been tested by 43.500 people in six countries and there do not appear to be any safety concerns at the moment.

Intensive therapy to decongest with Covid Hotels

Beyond 100 Covid hotels throughout Italy to deal with the Coronavirus emergency. Talking about the new facilities for virus positive patients the head of civil protection Angelo Borelli.

intensive care beds

“Covid hotels are being built throughout the territory, every day I take stock of the operational committee. To date - explained Borrelli - we have more than 100 Covid hotels in our area for a total of 4 thousand seats, 1.366 are already occupied. We also have about 5 thousand places in 376 structures for the isolation of negative people, to date 1.261 people are employed ".

Covid, ICU patients increase last edit: 2020-11-18T17:51:24+01:00 da Staff

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