A real technical coup for Serie B, Ternana has chosen the new coach. A great shot that confirms the intentions of the club.

These are Bandecchi's words to the TGR Umbria: “We bet on the name of Aurelio Andreazzoli, we started a negotiation that was short and Andreazzoli decided that Ternana is the right team for a long-term project. We talked to him, he was our first choice. We were replacing a coach who made us win Serie C and who was seventh in the league. Andreazzoli won Serie B, he did very well in Serie A, so he's the right profile".

The choice of is therefore safe Aurelio Andreazzoli as new mister of fere in place of Christian Lucarelli.

Blame from Ternana: this is who the new coach is last edit: 2022-11-30T16:50:42+01:00 da Antonio Murone
