In the heart of Cosenza, a unique initiative transforms the way you explore the city. The project "Cosenza in the dark“, created by Sam Odv in collaboration with the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Cosenza, offers an unprecedented opportunity to discover the hidden beauties of the city through the eyes of the blind.
Cosenza in the dark, a unique experience
During this extraordinary experience, which takes place in these days of May 2024, four sighted participants are blindfolded and guided by four blind boys through the fascinating streets and places steeped in history and culture of Cosenza.
With the precious support of experts of the caliber of the vice president of Uici Cosenza, Roberto Crocco, and the renowned local tour operator William Gatto, participants will have the invaluable opportunity to immerse themselves in the artistic and cultural treasures of the city, ranging from the ancient old city to the renowned Bilotti Open-Air Museum.
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The true peculiarity of this project lies in the unique methodological approach adopted: the exploration of Cosenza literally in the dark offers a completely new perspective on the concept of accessible tourism and experiential.
This innovative approach opens the doors to a new concept of the artistic-cultural heritage of the city, allowing participants to perceive and appreciate the richness and beauty of Cosenza in a completely renewed way.
Cooperation and experimentation
The intention is to demonstrate in a tangible way that active inclusion is not only possible, but replicable on a large scale, promoting diversity and positive interaction between individuals with different abilities.
Through the "Cosenza in the dark" initiative, the primary objective is to raise public awareness abouturban accessibility and on artistic-cultural tourism.
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We want to demonstrate that with small measures even the blind can freely enjoy the beauty of the city, thus contributing to making the urban environment more inclusive and accessible for everyone.
La multisensorial it becomes the fulcrum of an open and accessible culture, which allows each individual to fully experience the cultural and tourist experiences offered by Cosenza.
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