New government squeeze before the advance of coronavirus. In hospitals they are needed doctors. It is early. To the call of the Civil Protection “Covid doctors” replied in over 7900. There are many professionals from the south. The "call to arms"Moves Italy in front of so much solidarity. Many who have accepted the invitation are retired doctors but there are also many very young people.

Doctors, nearly 8 thousand candidacies

All 'appeal launched by Civil protection, which closed on March 21, responded more than 7900 doctors. Among these will be select the 300 that will work in support of the regional health structures involved inemergency covid19.

Doctors - call for doctors for covid
The Doctors for COVID call - Civil Protection Photo

The operation "doctors for covid”Was launched by the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia at a press conference at the headquarters of the Civil Protection Department. Only granted 24 hours for fill in the online form dedicated. However, they were enough to collect over 7900 applications that will be evaluated in the next few hours. It will be given priority to anesthetists, with expansion to other equally important profiles.

Call for doctors: "Overwhelmed by the best of Italy"

The minister commented on Twitter: “Nearly 8 doctors responded to the appeal. A act of love and pride for the country". Boccia remarked with satisfaction: “We were overwhelmed by the best of Italy.

Medici - Boccia and Borrrelli
Francesco Boccia - Photo Ministry

The state will do everything to support and thank them ”. Presenting the announcement, the minister said bluntly: "It is a"call to arms"Towards all Italian health care because the doctors who are in first line against the coronavirus emergency they need help ". The ban was necessary because the doctors working against the coronavirus, especially in Lombardy, I am going through hard times. An appeal, therefore, dictated by need and urgency. This is why only 24 hours were granted.

Borrelli: "Act quickly"

For the head of Civil Protection, Angelo Borelli, “It's about building one rapid form of intervention". The doctors who will be selected they will work alongside those of regional health care and those of volunteers already at work in the hospitals where coronavirus patients are welcomed.

Doctors - Angelo Borrelli
Angelo Borrelli - Photo of the Civil Protection Department

For medical selections provided the refund travel expenses and flat-rate allowance for each day lent. The regions will arrange accommodation in the lodgings. The participation of doctors in the task force will be mandatory for the employer, except for the affiliated structures for which the possibility of joining takes place on a consensual basis with one's employer.

Stop to non-essential activities

The lane emergency has reached high levels. Coronavirus sufferers have exceeded the threshold of 42 thousand. Saturday night the premier Giuseppe Conte announced new restrictive measures: “It is necessary to take another step, we must close all activities throughout the national territory unnecessary production, not essential to guarantee essential goods and services ".

Giuseppe Conte
Giuseppe Conte

The chairman of the board spoke in direct Facebook to announce the new stop to non-essential activities: “It is the worst crisis since the postwar period. We slow down the country's production engine but we don't stop it. It is not an easy decision". Now the 300 doctors of the task force are ready to arrive in the wards. “In such a difficult moment - Conte underlined with satisfaction on Fb - this is the umpteenth generous response of which all of us Italians can be proud. Thank you all, heroes in white coats".

Coronavirus, doctors' task force ready last edit: 2020-03-23T09:00:00+01:00 da Raffaella Christmas

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