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The first thing a person who is wronged thinks about is to get a good lawyer. Many already have a friend who works in the legal field or a trusted lawyer and therefore they have no doubts, but many others victims of legal offenses they are held back from making a report: partly out of fear of retaliation and partly because of the economic impossibility of supporting a judicial process, extortionists and scammers too often go unpunished and in circulation.

Anyone wishing to sue or denounce and is looking for a lawyer who will win the case, must keep in mind that there are various specializations in jurisprudence. Any lawyer can not do for his case because he will have a specific competence in one area but not in another; a bit like not going to the dermatologist if you have knee pain, even though it is still a doctor.

How to contact an experienced lawyer

First of all, the area in which to intervene to resolve the case or problem must be identified in front of which the person found himself. On the internet it is possible to do a free search on the portals they make available lawyers ready to give support to the user who contacts them. In some portals it is also possible to make a calculation of legal fees and you will be directed to the lawyer to deal with who is more experienced in the case.

Choose the right lawyer well allows you to reduce bureaucratic and legal times and be compensated as soon as possible for the damage suffered. Therefore, the lawyers are divided into civilian, criminal lawyer, administrative officer e tributary.

Civil lawyer: what he does

The legal consultant who has trained and gained skills to provide assistance and resolve civil cases is, in fact, thecivil lawyer. Civil issues concern private law, which encompasses areas of everyday life, such as disputes between private citizens, management of relations between individuals, labor conflicts between professionals and companies.

Criminal lawyer: what he does

For all areas in which the citizen comes accused of a crime which is headed by the Public Prosecutor's Office, it is necessary contact a criminal lawyer. In these cases, a criminal proceedings which could also end with the imprisonment of the offender. This is the difference with civil and administrative offenses.

Administrative lawyer: what it does

If the dispute of a crime concerns a dispute between citizens or companies with the Public Administrations, this is the area of ​​competence of theadministrative lawyer. We talk about administrative procedure when, for example, the validity of the award of a public contract or the just cause of a dismissal must be attributed to a public employee.

Tax lawyer: what it does

THEtax lawyer performs functions similar totax lawyer, All 'tax lawyer andtax lawyer, as they all have a specialization in tax law. But beware: the tributary does not necessarily have to be a registered lawyer.

  • The scope oftax lawyer concerns the defense of companies and individuals in the tax disputes with the Revenue Agency: this does not mean that this professional goes against the Revenue Agency, but rather makes himself available to companies to defend them from the demands of the Financial Administration before the Court of Cassation.
  • Unlike the first, thetax lawyer is the person who represents the taxpayers in matters against the Revenue Agency or against the Revenue-Collection Agency: specifically, he disputes the tax acts used by the tax authorities to make tax claims against the taxpayer.
    Furthermore, among the skills of the tax lawyer also fallsout-of-court activity, i.e. the taking charge of those acts that do not require the initiation of a trial and the sentence of a judge, such as warnings for payment.
  • As far as the 'tax lawyer, it is the professional figure of the lawyer who assists taxpayers who have received a tax deed and, therefore, wish to find an agreement with the Revenue Agency or try to obtain the cancellation of the assessment notice by presenting the tax self-defense .
How to choose the right lawyer last edit: 2022-04-01T12:34:43+02:00 da Staff

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