During an exclusive interview with Walter Veltroni, Paola Cortellesi, the undisputed protagonist of an extraordinary year, opens up with sincerity and depth about her desires...
Exactly fifty years have passed since the death of the great and unforgettable actress Anna Magnani, winner of the Oscar and celebrated with a film that will be filmed…
“Stranizza D'Amuri”, the first film directed by Beppe Fiorello continues to receive success and appreciation from critics and the public and aims to be widespread…
The Italian films chosen to compete in the Best International Film category at the next 96th edition of the 2024 Oscars have been revealed to represent our...
Do you know where the smallest cinema in the world is located? It is located in Rome, and is the cinema for children. In 2005 the Guinness Book of Records…
Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement for the talented Emilian director Liliana Cavani, 90, awarded at the opening of the 80th edition of the Film Festival underway in these…