Those born in the capital cannot fail to know the birth of Rome. This expression refers to the day of the birth of the historic city, once at the center of a vast empire. How many candles do you find yourself blowing out Eternal City? Ben 2775. Not bad, considering how you carry the weight in an excellent way.

Rome birthday

The birth of Rome is traced back to April 21, 753 BC and even today this date is celebrated with various events. The foundation, which took place by Romulus, is now known as the Birth of Rome but in the century it was referred to as Dies Romana. Numerous events organized to celebrate this special occasion. Here are the main ones:

  • Circus Maximus: re-enactments of the Roman Historical Group until 21.00 pm on April 24th
  • Harpastum match: an exciting challenge will be held on 23 April at 15.00 pm. An ancient ball game involving physical fights. A sort of ancestor of today's rugby
  • Circus Maximus: from here it will start on Sunday 24 April at 11 am parade made up of about a thousand costumed participants, who will also pass in front of the Colosseum
  • Reconstruction of the battle of Bedriaco on the afternoon of Sunday 24 April
Rome Colosseum

It should also be remembered that access to civic museums is free on 21 April. Among the most important exhibitions is the opening of Synesthesia ai Mercati di Traiano, or a multisensory installation that relates the individual and the surrounding environment. The exhibition was also inaugurated Cursus Honorum. The government of Rome before Caesar to the Capitoline Museums.

The Birth of Rome: the main events to discover last edit: 2022-04-21T14:34:44+02:00 da Luca Crowned


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