The adventures of Sister Angela, played by the eclectic Elena Sofia Ricci, return to the Rai flagship network. The sixth season of the television format, according to some rumors, should arrive in 2021, presumably in April. Filming for the new episodes, suspended during the first wave of Covid 19, is currently underway. The "film" produced by Lux Vide, in collaboration with Rai fiction, takes its first steps on Rai One in 2011, to continue, series after series, in the extraordinary conquest of Auditel. “May God help us” intrigues Italian families and is also popular beyond national borders, with fans from Germany, Belgium and France.
The boarding school of "May God help us"
The stories, always full of healthy humor, are concentrated in boarding school by Sister Angela. which represents an important part of the series. Together with her sisters, the very nice Elena Sofia Ricci, in the role of Sister Angela, is certainly the lifeblood of the television project, the extra gear towards popularity. The girls, housed in the structure, are the common thread that triggers, every time, different twists. The divine corner, a small bar inside the boarding school, on the other hand, allows various characters to participate in the life of the nuns, creating the perfect mix with the work of Sister Angela.
From prison to her mission, the story of Sister Angela
A compelling format that recounts the vicissitudes of Sister Angela, a former prisoner, in her new life away from prison. The convent of the Angels of Modena, in fact, is the house of the sister. The economic difficulties of the structure, at the basis of a possible closure of the same, have given way to the first season of "May God help us". In this paradoxical situation, Sister Angela, masterfully interpreted by Elena Sofia Ricci, decides to open a small bar inside. One way to save, at least temporarily, the boarding school with small income.
The protagonists of "May God help us"
Francesca Chillemi in the role of Azzurra, the actress Serena Rossi in the role of Giulia, and again Massimo Poggi in the role of Marco Ferrari, Valeria Fabrizi in the role of Sister Costanza, Diana del Bufalo, are certainly a very small part of the many characters who have contributed, over the various seasons, with very different and defined roles, to the goals of the Italian television series. Surely one of the interpretations, present in all seasons, best known by the general public is that of Sister Costanza. The intertwining of the jokes with the protagonist Elena Sofia Ricci is the icing on the cake of “May God help us”. A simple story, which speaks of solidarity, at the base of the script. A world that of the sisters is important for our whole beautiful country. With their works of charity they are a bulwark of faith and more.
May God help us today ...
The fifth season ends with several questions to be solved. The now closed “L'angolo Divino” bar, the entire structure inherited from Azzurra and the arrival of a new girl in the boarding school, the niece of Sister Costanza. What will happen in the sixth season? Will the historic boarding school bar reopen? And Sister Angela? According to some rumors, the scripts, perfectly sewn to make Rai Uno's evenings enjoyable, could host several twists. The brief suspension, due to covid 19, of filming for the new episodes, is over, the Ciak, in full compliance with the regulations, continue.