Total blockade and closure of schools is now the "mantra". Predictably and as Prime Minister Conte stated, the restrictions they will not cease on April 3. Italy is experiencing necessary and strict measures. They were decided by the government to counter the emergency coronavirus. With caution, the government forces have decided not to let their guard down. We want to restart the world of work. It will be possible with economic "big maneuvers". Italy must be ready after the total blockade.
Total block
The 3 April milestone is near. Only then can you decide. Only after monitoring the situation, deciding what to do. However, the strict provisions concerning both commercial and school activities can only be extended. However, the government can and must intervene with public investments to stem the collateral economic crisis. Nonetheless, the incumbent government avoided the collapse of the system. This was made possible by the proper functioning of the restrictive measures.
Giuseppe Conte, from Palazzo Chigi with the other ministers, decided to lead by example. Everyone present, including himself, wore a mask and gloves. It is undeniable that the pivot around which the "Strength of the Italian apparatus", is the excellence of the tricolor healthcare system. It holds, despite the tremendous pressure. Italy sets the agenda for those across the Alps who must be inspired by us. The government, in fact, has decided to invest twenty-five billion euros, between the health and work sectors.
Total blockade and closure of schools
Surely therefore, in April there will be a new decree. While hoping for a decrease in the peak of infections, we cannot let our guard down. Such a prolonged closure of schools is certainly anomalous. However, it was an inevitable choice. As Conte stated, adequate choices will be made in the coming days, supported by the opinion of scientists.
At the moment, i citizens they must follow directions and use common sense. Everyone must act with the utmost awareness. Criminal penalties for transgressors are severe, and rightly so. The hope is that the contagion will soon begin to decline. Certainly you will not be able to go back to life as before. According to Conte, the next decree will probably be signed in two weeks. The government is working on it day and night.
Government investments
At the moment, many mayors have closed villas and parks. This is to avoid squads of highly dangerous sportsmen. Nonetheless, no other far-reaching restrictive measures are currently envisaged. If the current prohibitions are not respected, action will certainly be taken. Despite the emergency, however, an unprecedented work of unlocking public investments is expected. We are talking about a few tens of billions of euros. In a drastic situation, equally extreme measures must be taken. As Conte says, two contracting stations such as Anas and Rfi are now blocked.
In this regard, we are talking about at least 70 or 100 billion euros. What promises will therefore be the largest post-war provision. Simplifying investment procedures will facilitate recovery. The intervention is one absolute novelty, but inevitable, if we are to imagine an economic recovery after the crisis. Citizens must prepare for the best possible reaction to give impetus.
Economic recovery
The government's maneuver is intended to be an injection of confidence for the markets. The idea is to trigger an acceleration never seen before in public investments. Conte speaks of a very strong provision. It should act as a driving force for an now extremely fragile economic situation. Finally, the Premier hopes for a broad convergence of all political forces. Only united can we get out of it. The prime minister then confirms the government's line. The rumors circulated had already smelled, the decisions that are taking shape. Finally, the possibility of modifying the current legislation is glimpsed. This is about the golden power. We are talking about the power that the state has to block certain foreign investments if they attack the country's industrial or corporate assets that are considered strategic.
# Italian in the heart