Sports activities aimed at entertainment are not as old as we think: we have been practicing physical activity in a more or less serious way for two centuries to stimulate our body to give its best. However, if there is something that technology has managed to retouch, it is precisely sports practice that has seen a small revolution! With the introduction of the most varied technological devices, the big tech companies have revolutionized the way of experiencing sport and managing one's well-being, without necessarily having to go through yoga or meditation.
Nowadays, for example, there are wearable devices (the so-called wearable) that offer a level of information about your performance and style that until a few decades ago were considered complete science fiction. This type of tool is, however, only one element of a much richer panorama, in which companies continually appear to make practicing sports something desirable, more than sweating repeating the same movement normally is.
Sport, however, is also the pursuit of personal well-being and always in this context technological devices can make a difference. Let's see together what we are talking about in more detail in this article.
Train better and with more data

Without a doubt, it all started with the introduction of smartphones into everyday life. What were once cell phones have transformed into real computers capable of processing, storing and transmitting mountains of data; smartwatches and fitness trackers appeared shortly after and have made sports activity a quantifiable practice even for those who do not have professional ambitions. Heart rate, number of steps, calories burned, cortisol levels, quality of sleep: all it takes is a small device on your wrist to have a picture of your state of health!
Not just data collection, though: technology has also managed to improve to the point of creating solutions and situations capable of improving pre and post sports activity! Vaporizers by Magic Vaporizer this is what they do, just to give a simple example, and depending on the vegetable you choose, it is also possible to speed up the recovery process from inflammation after excessive effort.
While on the one hand we have what is necessary to be able to perform more precise workouts, between motion sensors and accessories capable of analyzing execution techniques, on the other hand we also find what is necessary to encourage the search for well-being! Having a sensor on the shoes to measure cadence, stride length and impact force is certainly useful but what is the point if there is no mental well-being necessary to actually make the effort?
But where can you find the desire to train?

When talking about well-being it is always good to mention the existence of two slices of the same cake, which are inextricably linked to each other. Mind and body, in fact, are connected and interact synergistically with each other as the Romans already knew, authors of the well-known saying mens sana in corpore sanoTechnology knows this well and there are many gadgets and tools designed to improve concentration, reduce stress or promote a sense of relaxation.
Perhaps the most obvious examples are smartphone applications designed to guide a person's breathing, using visual or tactile signals to guide breathing. Other applications even integrate with wearable devices to create an environment that is both immersive and relaxing. Being in a situation of evident mental well-being also allows you to improve your performance on the field thanks to a greater sense of concentration and a better ability to harmonize your movements and muscle power!
Even the recovery capacity can be mediated by technological gadgets: if above we talked about vaporizers, now let's talk about vibrating massage rollers or massage guns! Both of these tools allow you to loosen up muscles that are sore from too much exercise, reducing muscle tension and simultaneously promoting blood circulation, thus speeding up post-workout recovery. In this way, not only does the athlete's physical well-being improve, but it also helps the body reduce the number of injuries by speeding up any recovery times, which unfortunately are still an integral part of a complete sports program (it is unrealistic to think of not getting hurt).
Between motivation, recovery and accumulation of data (the so-called big data), technology has put down deep roots in the world of sports, mixing it with the pursuit of wellness that was once simply mediated by sweating, sweating and sweating some more. Who knows what technological innovations we will see over the next few years!
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