A rock concert not to be missed is coming to the Beauty Festival. A performance that will catalyze the public for the majesty of the scenery and for the creative strength of the artist. We are talking about Edoardo Bennato who on 12 September will bring rock tol'Arena di Verona,.

Festivals - Edoardo Bennato

Edoardo Bennato is one of the masters of rock Italian. His music, with its light-hearted and ironic tones, enriches the Italian musical heritage produced in the last forty years. The stage of the Beauty Festival, therefore, will be filled with that positive and overwhelming energy that only the musician's masterpieces can unleash.

A rocker festival

On the occasion of the Italian rocker festival he will propose all his greatest hits. Forty years have passed since the release of the album They are just songs, however, the freshness of those light and irreverent pieces has not stopped enchanting the public. The lineup scheduled for the evening at the Verona Arena will be enriched by most of the pieces from that album. They are just songs was released in 1980 and was inspired by the Peter Pan story of the Scottish writer James Matthew Barrie. The theme that Bennato will bring to the festival stage the next September 12 will focus on the beauty of rock.

Festival - arena of Verona

The fruition of the great event will have particular characteristics. For the occasion, in fact, the Arena will wear the role of an agora with a modern character. The stalls will be free and completely covered with sand. The singer will perform in the center and the audience will arrange themselves around him in a circle. An artist of his caliber could not have asked for more for his return to live performance.

The manifestation and the beauty

Like a precious stone in a jewel, the concert will be included in the program of the Beauty festival. The event hosting the Bennato concert was organized within the Arena Agorà project. Inspired by Dante, Mozart and Shakespeare, the event this year will have the title "Eros and Beauty". The event will be spread over a handful of days from 11 to 19 September 2020. The idea is to investigate the multiple meanings of beauty and how it is able to decline eros. The artistic direction of the festival is placed in the hands of Alcide Marchioro and Gianmarco Mazzi.

the arena of Verona with tourists

The project foresees the setting up of a large cultural container in which the reflections and the shows proposed by the guests converge. Bennato's concert is part of this great project that will transform the Verona Arena into the modern agora that we have just described. The organizers intended to place eros at the center of the discussions due to its clear opposition to the concept of fear.

The other guests of the Festival

Bennato's concert will take place at the height of the second day of the festival. Before and after the rocker performance several other artists and exponents in the Italian cultural world will take turns to explore the prolific theme "Eros and Beauty". The stage of the agora will welcome names such as Alessandro Baricco, Mogol, Massimo Recalcati, Morgan, Vittorio Sgarbi, Philippe Daverio, Federico Buffa, Flavio Tranquillo, Umberto Galimberti, Gioele Dix, Massimo Cacciari, Gloria Campaner and Alessio Boni.  

At the Beauty Festival Edoardo Bennato in concert last edit: 2020-09-10T09:00:00+02:00 da Daniella Lucia
