WORK AND ECONOMY At 56 years old, just ask INPS a question Retiring at 56 is not impossible. In fact, there is a measure that allows you to retire at this age….
WORK AND ECONOMY The caregiver is entitled to 112 euros per month more, that's when For carers, the salary cannot be decided freely by the employer, or rather, it cannot go below a certain threshold. Must…
WORK AND ECONOMY Goodbye tax bills, that's when you no longer pay In alternating periods, the various governments that have followed one another in Italy have initiated amnesties and amnesties on tax bills. This is because it is…
WORK AND ECONOMY Almost 300 euros in salary increase and up to 10.000 euros in arrears, contract renewed Aran and the unions have finally arrived at the port with a renewal of the contract long awaited by many workers who had expired it about...
WORK AND ECONOMY Caregivers and housekeepers, here are the figures of the new salaries, surprises on the way 2024 will bring a higher salary to domestic workers and carers, like any other worker. Nothing new or extraordinary because…
WORK AND ECONOMY Do you do these jobs? In 2024 you retire early In the Italian pension system there are work activities that give the right to receive a pension earlier than other activities. In fact, there are…
WORK AND ECONOMY Goodbye pension and money to be returned to INPS, that's why there are those who risk it Why should INPS ask workers for up to a year's pension back? The question arises spontaneously and also causes anxiety towards those who…