Although colorful chocolate eggs, Easter doves and greedy sweets go crazy on the streets and on supermarket shelves, even that of 2021 will unfortunately be an Easter in the red zone for all of Italy. The new decree-law of March 12, 2021, approved by the government Draghi, confirms the squeeze in the holidays to limit the risks of crowding and contagion. The two weeks regarding the colors of the regions that will bring us to Easter began on Monday 22 March. Until 6 April the yellow areas will disappear. So what's going to happen? Basically, what can be done? This article will provide guidance on what will be granted, taking into consideration that these are decisions at national level, to which must be added all the more restrictive rules taken at the local level.

Regions in the red zone and in the orange zone

The latest Draghi decree established that until April 6 the yellow areas will disappear because they will automatically turn orange. While those in which the weekly incidence is higher than 250 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants automatically become red. This is the map of Italy.

Red zone: Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Veneto and the Autonomous Province of Trento, Tuscany, Valle d'Aosta and Calabria.

Orange zone: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, the autonomous province of Bolzano, Sicily, Umbria, Sardinia and Molise. From Tuesday 30 March Lazio will also be added but only for three days, during the Easter weekend it will return to the red zone.

There will be no yellow or white area.

Easter: Italy in the red zone - colored eggs

Which regions will therefore be able to move into the orange zone from Monday 28? There are several lines of thought. In Lombardy, for example, they hope to have orange numbers. But to be able to go down the range you need to have data compatible with that scenario for 14 days. In this case, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Piedmont, Lombardy, Campania, the Province of Trento, Puglia and Veneto would remain in the red zone at least until after Easter, as in the last report they had an incidence higher than 250 cases (and therefore a scenario not compatible with the orange zone).

Saturday 3, Easter Sunday 4 and Easter Monday 5 April

Special rules for Easter days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) have come into force: all of Italy will be the red zone. You can, therefore, leave the house only for proven reasons of work, health or necessity.

Our second Easter at the time of Covid will be as closed as last year's. What can be done in this further Easter in the red zone? How many people can be received at home? Will we be able to walk or reach second homes or go to mass? Here, then, is the guide to know what can and what can not be done.

Easter in the red zone: movements, visits, trips out of town, mass and restaurants
The rules in the red zone are clear: it is forbidden to leave the house and go out of town or region except for certified reasons of work, health or necessity which must be self-certified with the appropriate form. Furthermore, we remind you to observe the curfew from 22 pm to 5 am.

Easter: Italy in the red zone - pastiera

Red zone, yes, but it's still Easter

On holidays, as we know, there is a greater need to spend pleasant hours in the company of relatives and friends. This year it will be possible, but only under certain conditions. The Decree, in fact, allows visits to a single home (whether of friends or relatives), once a day, within the limits of two people, in addition to children under the age of 14 or disabled or non self-sufficient cohabitants. This move will be possible only in the three days of Easter throughout the region, in order to facilitate family reunification for the holidays.

How many people can be received at home? In this case, unlike what had happened at Christmas, the DPCM did not express itself. The one on March 2 is limited to strongly recommending not to invite people other than cohabitants to the house. Although there is no official 'numerical' recommendation, it is also recommended not to invite many family members at the same time. In any case, it is recommended to keep the mask.

Red zone, but in the open air

In Italy and beyond, the trip out of town is one of the most expensive traditions of Easter, especially on Easter Monday. Will it be possible, despite the red zone? If you go to visit a friend or relative, or if you go to our second home, it can be done. It will certainly be allowed to go to Easter mass. Transfers to reach the place of worship closest to home will be allowed.

Easter: Italy in the red zone - a glass

Unfortunately, this year, like last year, we will have to give up the traditional Easter lunch at the restaurant. The bars and restaurant businesses, in fact, are closed in the red zone. Only take-away activities will be allowed (until 22 pm for restaurants and until 18 pm for bars) or home delivery until 22 pm. To avoid crowds, it remains forbidden to consume food and drinks near the locals.

It is known that it is quite pleasant to leave the house to go for a walk, under a warm spring sun. It will be possible? Yes, because walking is considered a motor activity. You can go to the park, except for specific provisions of the local authorities and in any case near your home, remembering to wear a mask and keep an interpersonal distance of one meter.

What happens after Easter in the red zone?

April 6 is the last day on which the Draghi decree remains in force. After Easter in the red zone, Italy will return to being colored according to the three colors (red, orange or yellow) and this will depend on the data of the infections.

When last year, for the first time in our memory, we were going to spend the Easter holidays locked up at home, a single thought calmed our hearts: next year everything will return to normal. Unfortunately, this was not the case. All around, resignation and realism about the Easter holidays (and not only) are evident. There is also the belief that in 2021 it will be possible to enjoy fewer holidays and moments of leisure than in 2020.

Unfortunately, the survey carried out at the end of February on behalf of Confturismo-Confcommercio does not reveal any breath of optimism. Almost 9 out of 10 Italians had foreseen for Easter a scenario of worsening of the situation with the persistence of limitations to travel. 43% who wanted to take a short break at Easter would not have moved from their region anyway. 37% of respondents say they will have fewer holidays this year than last year and that the most likely date for an upcoming departure will be in June. Although good results are expected for the country and for the economy, 6 out of 10 Italians believe that managing the health emergency effectively is a difficult undertaking.

Italy post-Easter red zone, a little hope

A new decree is now expected with the new anti Covid measures that will come into force from Wednesday 7 April. Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced that this document will be based on data available until Easter and changes will not be excluded. The situation will be evaluated week after week. The focal points of the new decree will be the reopening of schools, the yellow areas and the issue of travel between the various regions. What is certain is that there will be no yellow zones before April 30, the date on which the expiry of Italy's state of emergency is set. Therefore, only orange and red areas will exist. The hypothesis of a strengthened yellow zone therefore appears rejected also for the regions where the contagion curve, after Easter, will show a decline.

La pandemic it is not yet defeated. However, despite the fact that there is still an air of great distrust, in the acceleration of the vaccination plan we see a way out not far away. All that remains, therefore, is to sweeten the Easter holidays with lots of chocolate, various delicacies and above all the dearest affections.

At Easter all of Italy in the red zone last edit: 2021-03-29T09:00:00+02:00 da Rossana Rosa Di Grazia
