Today we propose an alternative use of artichokes in the kitchen with two recipes that will whet your appetite.

Artichoke gratin: what ingredients will you need for today's recipe?

For today's recipe, you will need: 4 artichokes, one mozzarella, 20 grams of butter, 150 grams of breadcrumbs, 50 grams of chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Artichoke gratin: which procedure should you follow for today's recipe?

As for the procedure to follow, meanwhile wash, clean and cut the artichokes. Cook them in boiling salted water for at least a quarter of an hour, drain them and let them cool. Cut them into slices and place them on a previously buttered baking tray. Cover them with mozzarella; in another bowl combine breadcrumbs, oil and parsley. Place the resulting mixture on top of the mozzarella. Add salt and pepper and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Once ready, serve and enjoy!

Wholemeal spaghetti with anchovies, artichokes and almonds on a datterini sauce

Polenta with artichokes: what ingredients will you need for today's recipe?

For today's recipe you will need: half a kilo of corn flour, 50 grams of 0 flour, 1.5 l of water, 100 grams of artichokes and 100 grams of butter. And then again, 100 grams of grated cheese, 250 grams of sliced ​​provolone, half a liter of milk e half a liter of vegetable broth. Finally, salt e pepper.

What procedure should you follow to make the dish?

As for the procedure, in the meantime, melt half the butter in a pan and add the 0 flour, dilute everything with the milk poured in slowly. Cook over low heat and stir until the mixture thickens. Add some salt and remove from the heat. Boil the water in a pan, add salt and pour in the corn flour. Cook for 40 minutes, stirring. Once cooking is finished, the polenta should be poured into a pan and left to cool. Remove the outer leaves of the artichokes and cut into small pieces.

Arrustuti cacocciuli: recipe, history and curiosities of the Catanese violet artichoke – itCatania (

Brown them in a pan by pouring half the butter, also adding salt and pepper. Cook for about 20 minutes, diluting with the broth. Cut the polenta into slices and place one part on the buttered bottom of a baking tray. Cover with artichokes, sauce, grated cheese and sliced ​​provolone. Form more layers until you have reached the surface. In the last layer also add the grated cheese. Cook at 200 degrees until golden. Serve hot and bon appetit!

Artichokes in the kitchen: today's double proposal last edit: 2024-01-09T07:00:00+01:00 da Christine Scevola

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