The adventurous animated film will be released at the cinema on February 9th Argonuts – Mission Olympus by David Alaux, former director of original animated and successful films such as Jungle life. To animate the characters the voices of space family, composed by the famous couple Valentino Bisegna and Sara Di Sturco, and by Chiara and Mattia Fabiano. They are the very young successful voice actors of Stranger Things also known as i McBrothers, distributed by Notorious pictures.

Argonuts – Mission Olympus

Argonuts: Mission Olympus is an invitation to set sail for theAncient Greece with the adventurous and super smart mouse Pixi and her companion, the cat Sam. During the journey the two friends will face the most extravagant and dangerous creatures of Greek mythology. Their mission is to help the valiant hero Jason and his Argonauts to save the city from the god Poseidon.  

To give voices to the hilarious characters of this mythical journey are two famous couples. The first, the space family, is composed of the two young parents Valentino Bisegna (popular creator of the duo Matt&Bise) and Sara Di Sturco (creator e TikTokers). At the beginning of 2021 they united in this successful duo both in life and in work and today, after the birth of their first child, they have become a point of reference on the web for young parents with whom they share emotions and fears on a daily basis. to parenthood.

Ancient Greece that becomes cartoon

The second couple, on the other hand, is made up of the brothers Chiara and Mattia Fabiano – i McBrothers – professional voice actors who, despite their very young age, are among the most recognized voices in the panorama of Italian dubbing for having lent their voice to the series Netflix Stranger Things. A series that has become a real phenomenon. Chiara is the voice actress of Eleven (the character played by Millie Bobby Brown), while Mattia is the voice of Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo).

(Press office Gargiulo&Polici Communication)

Argonuts – Mission Olympus, ancient Greece becomes a cartoon last edit: 2023-01-04T09:49:51+01:00 da Staff

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