Hamlet of Casalzuigno, in the province of Varese, Arcumeggia it is a truly unique village. It is in fact a "painted country“, A small village which - in the XNUMXs - fought abandonment with art.

Because Arcumeggia has become the town of fresco painters

Located at 560 meters above sea level, and three kilometers from the center of Casalzuigno, Arcumeggia has changed its destiny in 1956. That year, the Provincial Tourist Board decided to transform it into a painted village. A kind of open air art galleryIn the heart of Lombardia, with frescoes coloring the facades of the houses. Therefore, some of the most famous Italian artists of the time were called to paint Arcumeggia: the first fresco painter of the village Ferruccio Ferrazzi, and then Aldo Carpi de 'Resmini, Achille Funi, Gianni Dova, Innocente Salvini and dozens of other names. The first paintings are dated 1956, the last dates back to 2006 (“Cathedral” by Alberto Reggiori). All made, these, not on the walls of the houses but inside frames then walled up in the niches. A bit as if Arcumeggia was the ancestor of the many Italian villages that, today, attract street artists.

Arcumeggia - A street in Arcumeggia, called "Via degli Allievi" because the works of the students of the Academies of Fine Arts are exhibited there
Via degli Allievi is so called because the works of the students of the Academies of Fine Arts, Wikipedia (credit Corradox - CC BY-SA 3.0)

Coming to Arcumeggia really means taking a leap into art. You can admire the paintings walking among the houses, and going up towards the small church with its Via Crucis painted by 11 artists. But there is so much more. The frescoes here all have a story to tell. Starting with those first years of work, in which everything proceeded quickly due to the enthusiasm of the population. It was the citizens of Arcumeggia who helped the architect from Varese Bruno Ravasi to complete the House of the Painter.

Get inspired

Today, people come to Arcumeggia for art. To have fun finding the frescoes on its facades, as if to engage in a very special treasure hunt. But, to amaze the visitor, it is also the rural soul of the village. Just look at his houses, which all have the same layout: on the ground floor the stable and kitchen, on the first floor bedroom, an external staircase to connect them and a courtyard overlooking. It is possible to visit some of these courtyards, to enjoy up close that extraordinary blend of art and history. Those who wish can participate in the painting courses that the Brera Academy of Fine Arts organizes periodically inside the Painter's House.

Arcumeggia - Vista Vi
View of Arcumeggia, Wikipedia (credit Emilio1953 - Public Domain)

On the Pro Loco Arcumeggia website you can download one map drawn: following it, you will discover step by step the many frescoes of the village. And if you stop for the weekend, during the summer, not far from the village you can go to the discovery of the Nudo and Colonna mountains, loved by mountain bikers but also perfect for a guided trekking.

Photo in evidence: the church with the Way of the cross painted by 11 artists, Wikipedia (credit Emilio1953 - Public Domain)

Arcumeggia, discovering the "painted village" last edit: 2021-09-06T15:30:00+02:00 da Laura Alberti
