Treatment, vaccine and now antibodies. Italy in the front row in the great race of scientific research to fight the Coronavirus. A challenge that sees the great minds of research together form a common front to reach the goal we are all waiting for as soon as possible. The defeat of Covid seems to be not far off. In any case, we could say that this pandemic will be defeated only if the vaccine and the treatments are effective. Meanwhile, we continue to respect the rules and everyone does their part. But the Made in Italy of research gives encouraging signs. In fact, the research on super antibodies against Covid 19 is Italian. Let's see what it is.
Monoclonal antibodies to be submitted to patients
The announcement comes from one of the most famous Italian scientists in the world. "We are already producing the monoclonal antibodies for clinical trials and for administration to patients". The announcement is of Rino Rappuoli, 'father' of many vaccines including that against meningococcus B. "We would like to start the study on humans before mid-December - he told Adnkronos Salute -, to arrive in the spring for the use of these antibodies". Rappuoli is a research luminary. In fact he is chief scientist of Gsk Vaccines in Siena and professor of Vaccines Research at Imperial College in London. He is also coordinator of the Monoclonal Antibody Discovery (Mad) Lab of the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation.
Collaboration with Spallanzani for antibody tests
And so after announcing the start of the experimentation for the cycle with the use of a drug authorized by AIFA, the study is now on antibodies. "Right now we are designing clinical trials - Rappuoli clarified - and collaborative protocols with Spallanzani of Rome". In fact, three candidates were selected. Now "in a month-a month and a half - added the scientist - we hope to have the results on the basis of which we can apply for marketing authorization. And our idea is to get to be able to use it in the spring".
The use of antibodies for other diseases
Research therefore appears to be on the right track. In fact, monoclonal antibodies have also been used for infectious diseases. For example they have been effective for Ebola infection. "Monoclonal antibodies - assured Rappuoli - will be part of the solution. Together with vaccines they will allow us to silence the pandemic". The scientist also clarified what the timing of administration could be. In fact, if they were administered to a healthy person, it will be protected for 6 months. "The vaccine - he said - instead it gives a prolonged protection, but between the first dose and the booster the protection is activated after 45 days. In the meantime, the antibody could be administered to protect the patient".
The most advanced vaccines according to research
Caution, the scientist underlines, but also hope. Ruoppoli, in fact, clarified that among the most advanced vaccines there are three: one with viral vector (Oxford), one with Rna (Modern) and one with proteins and adjuvants. But with a new virus being the one to fight, research is cautious. It is necessary to see the effects of the various tests. Meanwhile, the steps forward on antibodies, with Italy at the forefront. And then the scientist anticipates that this will have an intramuscular administration, simpler than others. We therefore wait hopefully that the research will soon reach the expected goal.