A small snow leopard cub (Panthera uncia) was born in the Le Cornelle Wildlife Park in Valbrembo (BG), from a specimen coming from a zoo in England and moved to the Bergamo park thanks to the EEP (European Endangered Species Programme) for the conservation of species at risk of extinction. The puppy, not yet visible to the public, will soon join the 120 species of animals from all over the world housed in the facility.

The little one was constantly monitored by veterinarians who have noticed a problem on the hind limbs, thanks also to the collaboration with the veterinary department of the University of Milan who subjected her to a neurological and orthopedic examination and x-rays revealed abnormal growth of the bones in the hind legs. After the diagnosis, aintegrative nutrition and specific physiotherapy, to promote muscle development and strengthen bones.

Snow leopards are a species at risk of extinction due to hunting and climate change, this is why the birth of a specimen of this species is a great achievement for its conservation.

Every year the births of this species are around 15 individuals and the Valbrembo park is one of the three Italian structures where snow leopards can breed. The mother Luna, born in an English facility, and the father Askar, born in Germany, are part of the EEP program to which the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) zoological facilities participate, where 185 specimens are housed.

“Le Cornelle” park: a snow leopard cub was born last edit: 2024-08-18T07:00:00+02:00 da laracalogiuri
