The eruptive activity of Stromboli has continued for days with the consequent lowering of the main volcanic vent. For days the lava has reached the coast on the Sciara del Fuoco, forming a small lava delta, currently expanding. The lava flow, coming into contact with sea water, causes the formation of a cloud of steam, clearly visible even from a considerable distance.

stromboli - the amazing scenery of the sunset over the stromboli

Musumeci signs the state of mobilization requested by the Region

The Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies, Nello Musumeci, signed the decree to arrange the extraordinary mobilization of the National Civil Protection Service for the Island of Stromboli, in support of Sicily by accepting the request of the President of the Region to deal with the critical situation due to the continuing activity of the volcano, which began on June 23rd.

After hearing the opinion of the scientific community which has been analyzing the activity of the Stromboli volcano for some time, it was deemed necessary to raise the alert status from yellow to orange up to the current red, to allow the Civil Protection to operate at its best and, in case of necessity, ensure assistance and relief to the citizens of the Island.

Numerous landslides on the Sciara del Fuoco

The situation is constantly kept under control, especially due to the very high number of landslides on the Sciara del Fuoco which have profoundly changed the morphologies of the volcano.

Experts believe that the volcanic edifice has changed, but the picture is constantly evolving and for this reason it is probable that other unstable parts could detach and cause new landslides, furthermore the flow on the Sciara del Fuoco it could either peter out or intensify.

The interaction between the lava and the water has led to a few more explosions, fortunately far from inhabited centres, but it is important to respect the ban on navigation under the Sciara del Fuoco, controlled by the Coast Guard for boats, to avoid further problems.

Stromboli, the state of mobilization of the Civil Protection has been signed last edit: 2024-07-09T09:38:30+02:00 da laracalogiuri
