Sarde A Beccafico

Antonella Audino

close-up of Antonella Audino

Time of realization: 1 now
Degree of difficulty (1 to 5): 1

12 open and boned sardines (to rinse the fish, water and vinegar)
100 g breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
30 g raisins
15 g pine nuts
1 egg
oil 20 g
1 tsp sugar

breaded beccafico sardines

Begin to deliscate and wash the sardines, generally they do it in the fish market. Put water and vinegar in a container and leave the sardines to soak for 10 minutes, then pat dry with absorbent paper.
Prepare the "muddica atturrata" (toasted breadcrumbs): put the breadcrumbs in a pan, let it brown (being careful not to burn it).
When it is well colored, remove the pan from the heat, add a drizzle of oil, the 2 tablespoons of sauce and mix well. Set aside a little for the final breading.
In a bowl combine the "muddica atturrata" with passoline (raisins) and pine nuts, sugar, salt and finely chopped parsley. 
Mix these ingredients well, then lay on each sardine.
On the inside of the sardine we put some stuffing, close with the other half of the fish, pass in the egg and bread with the seasoned breadcrumbs.
At this point they are either fried or put in the oven for about 15 minutes at a static 180 ° C.

breaded beccafico sardines

They are good fresh from the oven, they are better not hot, but prepared a few hours in advance if baked.

Sarde A Beccafico last edit: 2018-04-16T09:37:28+02:00 da Marco Spetti
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