Maturity 2024, it is the second written test. Today the over 5 thousand graduates face the address-specific test, in a time varying from 6 to 8 hours. Last written, with the exception of some fields of study, before the oral interview. In terms of rating, the maximum weight is 20 points. The grade will then be communicated in the days following the conclusion of the writings. Here they are now traces of this 2024 Maturity.

Greek at Classical High School: Plato was published this year

Translation test of Greco at the classical high school. After the opening of the ministerial electronic packages by the representatives of each commission, a passage was released in this 2024 Maturity, taken from "Minos o della Legge" by Plato. In the last 20 years, the works of the Athenian philosopher have been chosen three times for classical high school graduates. The last version of Greek proposed for the Classical Maturity exam dates back to 2016, with a passage by Aristotle.

Maria Montessori and John Dewey at the Human Sciences

At the Human Sciences high school, however, a track with Maria Montessori e John Dewey.

Two math problems at Scientific High School

 Two problems e eight questions, with a series of tests geometry, equations and functions, at the Scientific High School.

Maturity, Plato at the Classics: here are the traces of the second test last edit: 2024-06-20T12:35:14+02:00 da Gianmarco Cossu
