Football. Source of joy and despair. A reason for pride and shame. Winston Churchill once said that Italians lose football matches as if they were wars and wars as if they were football matches. And judging by our passion, he wasn't all wrong. Football sufferers in Italy are practically everywhere. Every Sunday at home we witness scenes of delirium. Every Italian loves his favorite team so much that he forgets everything. Depression reigns in the summer month, when the football fan gets to grips without Serie A or Champions League. Does our passion for football exceed that for food and beautiful women?
In our opinion we are close. Take everything out of us but not the ball.
You want to find out what are possible five fans that can be crossed along our path?

Football fan exhortation

Five types of fans:

Failure to coach

The most classic of fans. Unmissable every morning at the bar with gazette, coffee and cigarette. Ready to criticize every choice of every coach in every league. "Eh, but Puzzetti had to deploy him as a second striker to break through the defense of Campobasso. What the hell! " Hateful most of the time, but able to show off a profound football culture. Too bad it ends up being hated by everyone. Even by himself.

Failure to coach | Italians and football - To laugh

The depressed

Typical figure of the frustrated fan. Passionate to the core, but in love with a team that gives him less joys than the Italian government. And therefore it will inevitably end up not confronting anyone. To avoid any argument concerning the ball in order to spare himself, he teased. But he will do it with deep pain because after all football is too great a passion.

The despresso

The controversial

Typical figure of suburban bars. The polemic has only one thing in mind: screaming. You start talking quietly about the game when you suddenly see the vein on his neck getting bigger. The color of the face becomes Caribbean sunset red, the lips become moist and a series of insults starts up to the sixth cousin. Screams, swear words and various offenses rain down as if there was no tomorrow. The reason? To have contested his thoughts regarding a lineout not granted to his team.

The Italian controversy

The bettor

In recent years, betting fans have become more and more numerous. The enthusiast who develops a very mild form of gambling. "Hey, are you going out tonight?" It's Mario's birthday! " «No, I have to look at Policoro-Le Castella that I have the two fixed! ». This figure knows all the matches of the week. From Serie A to the Romanian third division. With all the odds, possible combinations and statistics implanted in the brain like a capsule of the film Act of force.

The ultras

The final form of the fan: the ultras. His favorite team is something sacred. Woe to you to touch it or you will find yourself in an entire curve of the stadium. The ultras has known all the choirs by heart since 1932, and will not miss an opportunity to sing them. But the ultras is also the embodiment of being a traveler. In fact, he is able to follow the team everywhere, even in Iceland for a simple friendly. And you're just wondering how the hell he can afford all those trips.

The ultra of Italian football | Italian

Italians and football: five types of football sufferers last edit: 2017-01-25T16:43:31+01:00 da Gabriel Roberti
Italians and football: five types of football sufferers
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Italians and football: five types of football sufferers
It is well known that Italians are passionate football fans who anxiously await every Sunday as if it were a spiritual prayer. The football fan in Italy is suffering from a serious illness, that of the ball. Find out with us which are the 5 categories of fans that make us enjoy the most
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