You would like to live for long periods in countries from which you would like to learn the language, culture and recognized qualifications; but the economic and social unavailability does not allow you to even think of being able to move into your room, without having to pay high rents? For everything else there is AuPair World. An online agency that deals with the placement of au pairs, operating all over the world.

Through this platform, AuPairs and Host Families can find the resource they like most; and stipulate a formal contract in which a collaboration is envisaged that sees both parties engaged in the performance of certain duties. Through a Skype video call, the family and the AuPair candidate will get to know each other and, if they choose each other, they will deal with a real vademecum of the tasks to be carried out during the cohabitation period.

The family will establish working hours and housework that the candidate will be required to carry out; and finally it will take care of the expenses that will concern the school through which the AuPair, attending, will collect a certificate of recognition that certifies the acquisition of the language "x" learned. AuPair will simply be required to carry out the agreed chores; obtaining in exchange room and board paid by the hosts, plus a decent weekly allowance to spend as you wish.

It all sounds very exciting until you take an active part in this experience. There are not a few contradictions that follow once they arrive at their destination for the AuPair candidates. It happens that 3 out of 4 of those who have chosen the universe as equals share the exact same experience; families very often do not respect the agreed hours and the functions of the candidate end up emulating those of a domestic worker (underpaid, in this case).

Valeria's AuPair experience

Valeria, from Catania, 23, lived in Ireland for two years thanks to the AuPair project. After completing her high school studies, Valeria is absorbed into the legion of the “without experience” of work; a label that has not allowed her to enter a world where work experience is the minimum. Despite his last years as a pre-eighteen he spent them at school; place where training should be functional for the insertion of work circuits. What could be better than the AuPair project? For these reasons, he flew to Ireland - My English was absolutely inadequate - says Valeria. - For the Skype interview, I introduced myself to a friend who helped me with the translation. I didn't think they would ever choose me, because of my low level of English. But in the end I was chosen! -.

During the interview, Valeria seems to confirm all our notions about the project. - The family contributed to my room and board - He follows. - I had a pretty good pocket money a week which allowed me to attend an English school and collect some savings -. When we touch on the theme of timetables, in no uncertain terms, he tells us - Never respected the schedules - He claims.- Personally, because of the hospitality, I would have felt bad if I had made a fuss about the time; I would have risked creating contrasts in a place where I should have stayed for a long time -.

Livia's AuPair experience

Different opinion that of Livia, a 19-year-old Roman girl, who currently lives in London as an AuPair - I perform duties appropriate for a maid than for an AuPair -. He tells with some resignation - I do not follow the initially agreed times, from the first day I am here; and very often during the day I can have a maximum of one hour of rest -. Two shared experiences, but in a different way.

The background of Aurora's departure tells the typical dirge of those who, after graduation, look for experiences outside the borders of their own land. -  A city like London has always fascinated me - Trust. - Of course, living it has a completely different flavor: people always in a hurry, apathy in the subways and food that is not Italian. But leaving now would make no sense -. Livia is in fact moved by the common reason that moves every Aupair: to learn the language of the country in which they will temporarily reside - I am determined to learn the language to the best of my ability and I will succeed -.

Salvo's AuPair experience

Salvatore's lightning experience, 27, will be able to outline a complete profile of the AuPair experience. Salvatore is a boy living in a provincial town in Southern Italy. Graduated in Building Engineering, Salvatore would have liked to use the AuPair project to consolidate his command of the English language. So he went to live in Marcham; about 20 km from Oxford - Like any candidate, I had a Skype interview with the host family - He tells us. - My intention was to strengthen my command of the English language; I wanted to try to finish my master's degree abroad. I strengthened my English. But after two months I returned -.

Salvatore also gives us some notes on the AuPair contract stipulated. - Obviously the established times were pure formality. And even if the time limits were respected, for me, they were not very flexible -. Concludes - In the end you turned out to be a servant. So after two months I came back -. 

Would you recommend this experience to a peer of your age?

Obviously yes. It leads you to achieve a command of the English language; but all this must be measured according to one's own short and long term objectives.



Italian AuPair: Young Au Pair or Domestic? last edit: 2016-11-22T10:32:11+01:00 da Charles Feast
