It is entitled “The patience of the flower” the latest novel by the multifaceted Roman writer Alessandro Serra. Roman by birth, after having spent twenty years in a career in sport, in addition to other short work experiences, he landed in the artistic field as an actor.
Over the years he has staged various theatrical performances and also directed some of them. Serra is also the author of comedies, among these Two in one… almost three! The premiere is tomorrow; The Easter egg; The lift; Double-edged game; Onion omelette and half a stilt. Besides “The patience of the flower”, he also wrote “A story that nobody cares about” e “The man who ate carob” (published with Edizioni G.A.).
The patience of the flower, the new book by Alessandro Serra
In a quiet village in Sicily, the Wizard Zufius, a money-hungry guru and skilled manipulator capable of plagiarizing those who come into contact with him, is actually a man colluding with individuals of dubious morality. Even his accomplice will suffer the consequences.
The cleaning lady will find Zufius murdered in his study. The Carabinieri Marshal, Cicero, in charge of the investigations, is already busy with other investigations. Mysterious boxes of fruit are landed in the middle of the night, using different beaches on the Syracuse coast from time to time. The man tasked with collecting them then vanishes like a ghost in the countryside of the Iblei mountains.
Tito Tazio, a Police Inspector, retired prematurely from Rome, moved to Sant'Alfano. He collaborates as a consultant in the investigations. Together with Carabiniere Marucchi, Cicero's trusted collaborator, he will find himself having to untangle the tangle of situations generated by the criminal events. Everything revolves around Zufius.
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The investigators will be thrown from one lead to another, convinced that it is, every time, the right one. They will find themselves prisoners of a frustrating stalemate. Just a small, insignificant detail will lead them one step away from the truth. But the culprits will not be able to be indicted, as the necessary evidence to nail them is lacking. A brilliant intuition.
We asked Alessandro Serra some questions…
Alessandro, what is the difference between writing a book and taking to the stage?
“I would like to draw a parallel with football matches. Imagine the commentary that the commentator does on TV and the radio commentary that the commentator does on the radio. They are two different techniques, because precisely, the radio commentary must be seasoned and filled with so many elements to allow us to imagine what happens on the football pitch. A good author of the past said that half the book must be written by the author and the other half by the readers, precisely because the reader must imagine and construct it. In fact, each reader will give the characters different connotations. In comedy we work on dialogues and scene rhythms. In the last job which I am bringing to the stage "Domani c'è la prima" and with which I will be on stage on Sunday in Floridia, for example, requires a pressing pace. The rest is done by the movement, the rhythm, the costumes, and the technique is different."
Who or what inspires you when you write?
“Sometimes I take inspiration from an article or a news story and this mainly happens for my detective stories; other times I try to carve out time to stand in a square or street to observe people and draw inspiration from there. Or, for example, in the first novel "The man who ate carobs" I start from a small episode that happened to me as a teenager. From that little episode a story emerged that gives life to all the plots of the novel."
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Why did you come up with the idea of moving to Sicily?
"My origins are Sicilian and I currently live in my grandparents' house, I used to come to Sicily on holiday for three months when school finished and I always lived everything in a very intense way, even emotionally. I have always had Sicily in my heart. I don't think I've ever gone a year without coming to Sicily and I've always had this obsession to come. At 3 and a half years old I am overjoyed. Here each city has its own characteristic and it is precisely this that makes Sicily beautiful and offers those who want to experience it a unique setting in the world."
Finally Alessandro, how important is "creating" in your life?
"Creativity represents the basis of what I have always done. I consider myself a lucky person because I decided to do what I like. And to those who want to throw themselves into writing I say to try. Write, but study how to write it because creative writing is something that is constantly evolving."
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