Today, April 4, there has been an increase in the daily infected, but it is not worrying.

The news of the day

Today, for the first time since the beginning of the emergency there is a decrease in the number of people admitted to intensive care. Attention, this is not a decline in growth, but a real decline in numbers total of the hospitalized. That is, the people who have come out of intensive care today are more than the new hospitalized. 74 fewer people are hospitalized!

The diffusion

Today, unlike the other days, the growth of the infected does not slow down, but undergoes an increase. Not quite what we expected, but not a dramatic figure. The important thing is to keep the daily increase constant for a few more days, to then be able to expect a sharp decline. Today, April 4, there are 4.805 cases, 220 more than yesterday's figure.

Other important data

The number of currently positive daily also undergoes a slight surge. In fact, it goes from 2339 yesterday to 2886 today, 547 more. The decline in healings also affects this figure. Today, 1238 were healed, therefore 242 fewer than yesterday. The daily percentage change remains the same, with a + 4%, equal to what we saw yesterday.

We stay at home

Unfortunately, there are still many fines, which show that there are still too many people around. This is not admissible, the importance of respecting the decree is absolutely primary in order to have the meglio about this virus. We stay at home, and go out only for necessities. This is the fundamental rule to be able to save lives!

Who hasn't made it

The number of deaths is undergoing an encouraging decline, but remains high. Today, 681 victims are registered, (-85) compared to yesterday. A frightening number, but which derives from the very high number of infected in recent weeks. This number is expected to begin to decline soon, thanks to a lower number of infected people per day and also to the fundamental displacement of hospitals.

April 4th: great news for hospitals! last edit: 2020-04-04T18:59:29+02:00 da Emmanuel Ferlaino

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