Who ever said that the Olympic Games are they only a prerogative of sportsmen? In addition to the traditional Olympic events, there are in fact other particular events, dedicated to the most scholars. Among these are the 2021 Italian Olympics. This event (now in the X edition) is promoted by some high-level bodies, such as theBran Academy,Academy of Arcadia,Association of Italianists (ADI), theAssociation for the history of the Italian language (ASLI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and have the task of encourage the study of Italian language among students of national and Italian schools abroad. In order to participate you will have time until 20 February (the inscription is Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days). The deadline to register for the competition (usually 31st January) was extended due to the pandemic from Covid-19.

Italian Olympics - kids in class taking notes

2021 Italian Olympics: how the XNUMXth edition will take place

Covid-19 has not only led to the extension of the registration date, but has also changed the very course of the event. The first phase of the 2021 Italian Olympics (i.e. the School competition , semifinal) It will take place online. Will be able to participate secondary school students. The event has two categories Junior e Senior, but also Junior abroad e Senior abroad. The "athletes" will have to carry out tests a multiple choice, open answer, but also make a text written (topics, newspaper articles, etc.) for the final. Of course, the topics concern all aspects of the Italian language, starting withspelling, until the lexicon and the syntax.

Italian Olympics - wooden table with notebook and two pencils

La School competition will be held on 25 e 26 February, While the semifinal is scheduled for the next 9th April. Those who manage to pass all the tests will be able to access the final, which will be held in Rome, in the days 10, 11 e 12st May. If the Covid-19 emergency discourages the face-to-face test, the final will also take place online on Tuesday 11st May. The jury, which will also include the winner of the Campiello Award 2020, Michelle Panichi, will then award the winners of the 2021 Italian Olympics, during a live event YouTube which will take place on 14 May 2021. They will receive the coveted i first three classified (Junior and Senior category), but also i first in the rankings of each educational address (high school, professional and technical) and of Italian schools abroad. For all other information, just connect to the official website of the event. Happy Olympics to all and may the best Italian player win.

2021 Italian Olympics: registration (free) until February 20 last edit: 2021-02-19T09:00:00+01:00 da Antonello Ciccarello

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