About 1,5 million doses of Pfizer vaccine have arrived in various Italian airports and will be distributed throughout the country in a maximum time of 24 hours. “I got a call from Premier Draghi who informed me of the arrival for Europe this quarter of 50 million more Pfizer doses.

doses of pfizer vaccine

 For Italy this means over 670.000 more doses in April, 2 million and 150.000 more doses in May and over 4 million more doses in June. The vaccination plan is progressing as I had structured it, which is why I am really happy." This was stated by the commissioner for the Covid emergency, the general Francesco Figliuolo, visiting the Aosta vaccination center.

In distribution 1,5 million doses of Pfizer vaccine

“In the meantime, the distribution to the regions of about 1,5 million doses of Pfizer vaccine has begun, arriving at the airports of Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Rome Ciampino, Milan Malpensa, Pisa and Venice. The deliveries will affect more than 210 health facilities throughout Italy ". The Covid emergency commissioner always announces this.

spallanzani hospital doses of pfizer vaccine
Spallanzani Hospital

Meanwhile, a trial on the second dose of anti-Covid vaccine will start at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome, after the first with Astrazeneca. Other vaccines, including Sputnik, will be used for the experimentation. This was announced by the health director Francesco Vaia and the regional councilor for health Alessio D'Amato. There will be 600 volunteers who after the first dose with Astrazeneca will have the second with Pfizer, Moderna and the two different Sputnium adenovirusesk. Aifa (Italian Medicines Agency) is awaited for the start of the trial.

Today's data

As regards the contagion curve, the Ministry of Health announces that in our country, in the last 24 hours, there have been 16.168 new positive cases (yesterday 13.447). The new deaths are 469 (yesterday 476), in total the people missing due to the pandemic are so far 115.557. Instead, overall, the positive cases recorded since the outbreak of the health emergency to date are 3.809.193.

Dark red areas in Italy - Positive Covid-19 test

Currently the positive cases are 514.660, practically 4.560 cheaper than yesterday. The recovered and discharged since the beginning of the pandemic are 3.178.976 (+20.251). They are still in home isolation 484.801 people infected with the virus. In intensive care the patients hospitalized for Covid are 3.490. The swabs made in the last 24 hours are 334.766 (yesterday 304.990). The positivity rate is 4,8 per cent, up 0,4 points compared to yesterday.

1,5 million doses of Pfizer vaccine are distributed nationwide last edit: 2021-04-14T18:19:04+02:00 da Staff
